Without the PPSC Jobs exam guide and preparation material, many candidates do not clear the exams. Content available in the market is mostly outdated, costly, inauthentic, and unreliable.
PPSC is an independent body situated in Lahore, Pakistan. Its main objective is to select and recommend suitable candidates through the merit-based system for bureaucracy in the province.
The best and the only way to get a government job in Punjab, Pakistan is to prepare for the competitive exams and try your luck. It is not difficult to get a government job these days as almost all the required material is available on the internet. But due to prevalent ignorance regarding exam preparation, it has become very difficult to get allocated for those candidates who do not have a bureaucratic family background.
PPSC Jobs General Recruitment Complete Exam Guide
In recent times, PPSC has selected thousands of candidates for different departments of the Punjab Government. It includes more than 12 thousand requirements in the year 2016 alone.
General recruitment is done for almost all departments of the Punjab Government from BPS-11 to BPS-19. Sectors include; Revenue, Local Government, Police, Excise & Taxation, law and parliamentary affairs department, Forest, Irrigation, Building, IT, Medical & HR.
PPSC Jobs (General Recruitment)
The key to clear the PPSC jobs exam is mastering the general knowledge and English grammar & composition. Both are very vast subjects, but once prepared then it is very easy for a candidate to clear more than one exam and try his luck in the interviews.
Apart from general knowledge, English comprehension and Urdu sections are also parts of the most PPSC exams.
But first let’s distinguish which exams need preparation of GK, and which need GK as well as professional post-related knowledge. But one thing that is common and true is that no one can get away from preparing GK and English grammar and composition for getting Government Job.
If you prepare well for the General Knowledge then you can try your luck in different exams and can get a government job in the end. A vast majority of candidates do not strive for proper knowledge and guideline before the exams, as a result, they end up more confused and also fail the exam.
If you prepare well by using our PPSC Jobs Exam Preparation Material, then you can end up getting a government job in the provincial bureaucracy. In recent times, PPSC has allocated a vast majority of candidates in different departments under different BPS such as;
- Lectures, Professors, Assistant Professors & Subject Specialist.
- Assistant and Deputy Directors.
- Prosecutors, District Prosecutor & District Attorney.
- Land Record Officer & AD Land Revenue.
- TMO & Cheif Council Officer.
- District Food Controller, Food Grain Officer & Assistant Food controller.
- AD Anti-Corruption & Inspector Anti-Corruption.
- Excise and Taxation Inspector.
- Assistant Sub-Inspector and Sub-Inspector Police.
- Civil Defence Officer.
- Ziledar, Tehsildar & Naib-Tehsildar.
- District Zakat Officer.
- AD Cooperative Societies & Inspector.
- and may more…
How to apply for a PPSC job?
A candidate must visit the Punjab Public Service commission website frequently. There is no need of visiting other websites for getting the information. All the jobs are posted under the JOBS tab and the syllabus of the advertised posts comes under the INFORMATION DESK tab.
PPSC Jobs Exams Preparation Material
The preparation material for general knowledge examination is widely available but mostly unauthentic. This podium has tried its best to provide all the aspirants general knowledge material which is not only authentic, reliable but updated as well.
This section will discuss the General Knowledge portion of the exam preparation material. As discussed earlier, GK is a very vast subject, but reoccurring PPSC PAPERS have defined that, it consists of the following topics/sub-topics.
- MCQs English Grammar & Composition
- MCQs Pakistan Studies (History)
- MCQs Pakistan Studies (Geography)
- MCQs Islamiyat
- MCQs Urdu
- MCQs Current Affairs
- MCQs World Geography
- MCQs Basic Arthimetics
- MCQs General Knowledge
- MCQs General Science (EDS)
- MCQs Basic Computer Concepts