Islamic Studies

CSS PMS Islamic studies is the last compulsory paper of both the competitive exams. The importance of this paper cannot be questioned as it includes the basic knowledge of the beliefs and systems of an Islamic society which a candidate must know before joining bureaucracy.

Download the latest syllabus and preparatory material for CSS PMS Islamic studies in a comprehensive manner. Scoring good marks in the competitive exam depends upon how much you have prepared well for this paper.

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CSS PMS Islamic Studies Syllabus Guide

Before digging deep into the syllabus of CSS PMS Islamic Studies, few important misconceptions about this paper are addressed below.

Should the CSS PMS Islamic Studies paper be attempted in English or Urdu Language?

In fact, it does not matter. There are numerous examples in which candidates who attempted the paper in any one of the stated languages scored well in the paper.

What are the benefits of attempting CSS PMS Islamic Studies in the English Language?

As CSS and PMS, both are competitive exams that require a candidate’s English writing expression to be relatively above average. During the preparation of the exam, a candidate reads numerous books related to the preparatory material. So, the first benefit is that you can easily incorporate your readings into the paper. Secondly, you do not have to practice good Urdu writing expression.

How many Ahadith or Quranic Verse references must be given in the answer?

It depends upon your writing skills. A reasonable number of references must be memorized and used in answering the question. Candidates usually try to put references without logical argumentation. Perhaps, the best preparation includes one or two references written in bold font is quite enough for strengthening the argument.

CSS PMS Islamic Studies paper consists of 20 marks MCQs and 80 marks of written paper as per the FPSC website. The best practice of preparation is that you must prepare both of the sections separately. Islamiat MCQs in pdf format can be viewed and downloaded to acquire adequate knowledge regarding this subject. However, for complete and comprehensive knowledge PPSC Islamiat Lecturer MCQs is the best preparatory material for this subject.

The syllabus of CSS PMS Islamic Studies is discussed as under;

  1. Introduction to Islam: It includes the concept of Islam, the importance of Religion and Din, the difference between Din and Religion, and the distinctive aspects of Islam. This section is quite a border as it incorporates all the fundamental questions about religion and its importance in human life. Islamic beliefs, worship, and fundamentals of Islam are the other important key concepts in this section.
  2. Study of Sirah of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as Role Model: No doubt, without the study of Sirah of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) no Islamic Studies paper can be considered final. Mostly the questions are asked about Holy Prophet (PBUH) as a role model in our lives, such as; as an individual, peacekeeper, military strategist, educator, and diplomat.
  3. Human Rights & Status of Women in Islam: This topic is really important as it is also one of the most repeated topics for CSS PMS English Essay.
  4. Islamic Civilization and Culture: Islamic culture and civilization have distinctive features. The characteristics of Islamic Civilization are part of this section. According to experts, this section has such distinctive topics which cannot be covered by the student if other sections or topics are not prepared well. Answers regarding questions such as; Tawhid, Self-purification, Dignity of Man, Equality, Social Justice, Moral Values, Tolerance, Rule of Law)
  5. Islam and the World: The concept of Ummah and contemporary challenges for Islamic countries have been a hot topic for the past few decades. This section covers the role of Islam in the modern world, the impact of Islamic Civilization on the West and Vice Versa, the Muslim World, and the contemporary Challenges as well as the rise of extremism.
  6. Public Administration and Governance in Islam: The new section covers the basic governance structure in Islam in detail, including the governance system of four Pious Khalifs of Islam and the responsibilities of a civil servant in Islam. The concept of public administration and accountability is one of the most repeated questions. Candidates must be fully aware of the concept of governance and its applications in the light of the Qur’an, Sunnah, and Fiqh.
  7. Islamic Code of Life: It includes salient features of the Islamic System, Social System, Political System, Economic System, Judicial System, Administrative System, and Procedure of Ijma and Ijtihad.

CSS PMS Islamic Studies Preparation Material

Distinctive Aspects of IslamDownload
Islam a complete code of LifeDownload
Concept of IslamDownload
Islamic Beliefs (Tawheed, Kalima, Belief in God’s Angels, Faith in books of God, Faith in God’s Prophet, Belelif in Life After Death) Download
Holy Prophet (PBUH) as DiplomatDownload
Holy Prophet (PBUH) as EducatorDownload
Holy Prophet (PBUH) as Miltary StrategistDownload
Holy Prophet (PBUH) as PeacemakerDownload
The dignity of Men & Women in IslamDownload
Rights of the minority in IslamDownload
Status of Women in IslamDownload
Role of Civilization in Development of Human Personality and CommunityDownload
Characteristics of Islamic Civilization (Tawhid, Self-purification, Dignity of Man,
Equality, Social Justice, Moral Values, Tolerance, Rule of Law)
Moral System in IslamDownload
Impact of Islam on the WestDownload
What did Islam give to humanity?Download
Impact of the West on IslamDownload
Muslim World and the Contemporary ChallengesDownload
Muslim World the Way ForwardDownload
The concept of governance in IslamDownload
Islamic Public AdministrationDownload
Particular letters of Hazrat Umar (R.A) and Hazrat Ali (R.A) to different AuthorityDownload
Governance Structure in Islam (Shura, Legislation, Sources of Islamic Law)Download
System of Accountability(hisbah) in IslamDownload
Islamic Social SystemDownload
Islamic Judicial SystemDownload
Islamic Political SystemDownload
Islamic Economic SystemDownload

CSS PMS Islamic Studies MCQs Preparation Material

For the preparation of MCQs of CSS PMS Islamic Studies, the best preparatory material can be downloaded from the FPSC and PPSC Islamiat MCQs Portion.

For better understanding of MCQs visit PPSC Lecturer Islamiat MCQs preparatory material page.