English Precis And Comprehension

CSS PMS English Precis and Comprehension is perhaps the second most important paper of these competitive exams. That is why it is the second most paper failed by the candidates after the CSS PMS English Essay paper. Without proper preparation for this subject, it is almost impossible for the candidate of a competitive exam to score well or even pass the exams.

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CSS PMS English Precis And Comprehension Syllabus Overview

  1. Precis Writing: A passage with a flexible and general understanding and orientation is given for precis writing and title suggestion.
  2. Comprehension: A passage with rich substance but not technical is given along with 4 to five questions to be answered.
  3. Grammar & Vocabulary: Questions relating to correct usage of verbs, tenses, articles, prepositions, punctuation, and conjunctions.
  4. Sentence Correction: Sentences having a clear structural flaw in terms of grammar (not more than two having the same problem) or punctuation (2 to 3 sentences).
  5. Grouping of Words: A random list of words, to be grouped by the candidates in pairs of those having similar or opposite meanings, as may be clearly directed in the question.
  6. Pair of Words: A list of pair of words will be given, seemingly similar words with different meanings, generally confused in communication, for bringing out the difference in meaning.

CSS PMS English Precis And Comprehension Preparation Material Download

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List of Words Appeared in CSS ExamDownload
501 Synonym Antonym BookDownload
100 most often used words in the English Language SynonymDownload
English Grammar
English Grammar RulesDownload
A Basic English Grammar Exercises by J.EastwoodDownload
A Communicative Grammar of English By Geoffrey Leech Jan SvartvikDownload
CSS PMS English Precis and Comprehension (Improve Your Written and Spoken English)Download
Oxford Guide To English GrammarDownload
English Composition By Professor Dr. SurriyaDownload
English Grammar in Use By Raymond Murphy (With Answers)Download
English Grammar Master in 30 DaysDownload
English Grammar Understanding The BasicsDownload
List of PrepositionsDownload
Preposition ExerciseDownload
Objective English By Hari Mohan PrasadDownload
Wren N Martin High School Grammar SolutionDownload
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BOOK-Synonyms Antonyms Analogies Sentence Completion Reading ComprehensionDownload
Precis Writing
A Progressive Course on Precis Writing BY F.E. RobsonDownload
Precis Writing By R.DhillonDownload
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Sentence Correction
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Common Mistakes In English By Pearson EducationDownload
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The Sentence Correction Guide 5th EditionDownload
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Pair of Words
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Direct & Indirect Speech
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Active Voice Passive Voice
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Expansion of Ideas
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