CSS International Relations Complete Guide With Free Preparation Material

Download the latest notes, handouts, and preparatory material for the CSS International Relations. The updated preparation material is according to the revised syllabus.

CSS International Relations is an optional subject in CSS. It is one of the optional subjects from Group-I.

CSS International Relations is a 200-mark exam of this competitive examination. The syllabus is divided into two papers; Paper-I (100 Marks), and Paper II (100 Marks).

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CSS International Relations Syllabus

CSS International Relations Paper-I (100 Marks).

Introduction:The Definition and Scope of International Relations.
The Nation-State System
Evolution of International Society
Theories and Approaches:The Classical Approaches-Realism and Idealism
The Scientific Revolution-Behavioral Approach.
System Approach
Neo-realism, Neo-liberalism
Post-modernism, Critical Theory.
Post-modernism, Critical Theory
International Political Security:Conceptualization of security in the Twenty-First Century
Power. Elements of National Power
Balance of Power
Foreign Policy: Determinants, Decision Making, and Analysis
National Interest
Strategic Approach to
International Relation:
War: Causation of War, Total War, Limited War, Asymmetric Warfare, Civil War, Guerilla Warfare
Strategic Culture: Determinants of Pakistani Strategic Culture.
Deterrence: Theory and practice with special reference to India and Pakistan
International Political Economy:Theories in IPE: Mercantilism, Economic Liberalism, and Neo- Marxism
Theories of Imperialism, Dependence, and Interdependence discourse
International political community:Nationalism
Approaches to Peace:Diplomacy
International Law
Arms Control /Disarmament and Nuclear Non-proliferation Regime
International Political Institution:United Nations
International Monetary Fund (IMF)
World Bank
International Court of Justice

CSS International Relations Paper-II (100 Marks).

International Relation
between two War:
Russian Revolution, Fascism, League of Nations, Second World War
Cold War:Decolonization in Asia and Africa.
Rise of the United States and the Soviet Union.
The era of Tight Bipolarity.
Détente and Loose Bipolarity, Revival of Cold War
Post-Cold War:End of History, Clash of Civilizations
Terrorism, Globalization.
Unipolarity (New World Order) and Revival of Multi-Polarity
International and
Regional Organizations:
League of Nations, United Nations.
Regional Organizations.
Reforms in the United Nations.
World Bank and the IMF.
Foreign Policy of
Selected Countries:
USA, Russia, China, UK, India, Pakistan, and EU
South Asia:Peace-making and Peace-Building in South Asia
Analytical overview of peace processes between/among the states of South Asia especially between India and Pakistan
India and Pakistan: Overview of agreements and accords
Indus Water Treaty.
Composite Dialogue; Sir Creek & Siachen border
Visa and People to people contact; Trade; and Role of civil society
Afghanistan: Cold war theatre
Soviet Invasion and Mujahedeen; Geneva Accord.
Post Cold War situation—Rise of Taliban, AL-Qaeda & 9/11
Operation Enduring Freedom; The Bonn Process- Withdrawal
Weapons of Mass Destruction:The proliferation of Nuclear Weapons
Nuclear Weapon States- Programs and Postures
Indian-Pakistan Nuclear Doctrines
Nuclear Non –Proliferation Regime: International Atomic Energy Agency
Nuclear Non- Proliferation Treaty; Nuclear Supplier Group
Partial Test Ban Treaty.
Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty
Fissile Material Cut-off Treaty
Challenges of Non-Proliferation, Cooperation for Nuclear Energy
The Missile Defence Systems and their impact on the global strategic environment
Militarization and Weaponization of Space
Contemporary Issues:Euro-Atlantic Vs. Asia Pacific: Great Power Policies
Kashmir Issue
Palestine Issue

CSS International Relations Preparation Material

International Relations – 11th Edition (JON C.W. PEVEHOUSE & JOSHUA S. GOLDSTEINDownload
International Relations Notes Paper 1 & 2Download
International Relations MCQsDownload
Akehurst’s Modern Introduction to International LawDownload
International Law in BriefDownload