PMS Social Work Complete Exam Preparation Material



1.         Introduction To Social Welfare
  1. Definition and Scope
  2. Historical Perspective of Social Welfare in Pakistan
2.         Pakistani Society
  1. Definition and description of the term “Society”
  2. Characteristics of Pakistani Society
  3. Comparison of Rural and Urban Communities
3.         Culture
  1. Definition and description of the term “Culture” and its importance
  2. Characteristics of Pakistani Culture
  3. Influence of allied cultures on Pakistani Culture
  4. Social norms-definition and stages (i.e. folkways, more and laws)
  5. Socialization-definition and description and factors of socialization (i.e. Family, Neighborhood, Peer group, Religious Institute. Educational Institutions, Mass media and Communication.
4.         Social Institutions
  1. Definition and description of “Social Institutions”
  2. Types of Social Institutions: Primary, Secondary
  3. Importance of social institutions
  4. Functions of the following:
  • Family Institution        –              Religious Institution
  • Political Institution     –              Economic Institution
  • Educational Institution            –              Recreational Institution
5.         Social Change

a. Process and effects of social change on Society
b. Definition and area of “Social Change”
c. Factors which promote and hinder social change

6.         Social Problems of Pakistan
  1. Major and explanation of social problems
  2. General causes of social problems
  3. Major social problems of Pakistan (An orientation)
  • Drug addition
  • Over population         
  • Juvenile delinquency
  • Crime –              Violence
  • Child labor
  • Child abuse and neglect
  • Bonded labor
  • Poverty
  • Unemployment