PMS Chemistry Complete Exam Preparation Material


(A). Physical Chemistry.

  • Quantum Theory & Atomic Structure: uantum theory. The Schrodinger Wave Equation, particle in one dimensional box and its application for Hydrogen atom. Quantum Numbers. Chemical Bonding. Elgen Values and Elgen functions. Degeneracy. Tunnel Effect.
  • Chemical Thermodynamics: First Law of Thermodynamic and Enthalpy changes. Entropy and second Law of Thermodynamics. Standard Free Energy and Chemical equilibrium. Concept of Residual Entropy.
  • Electrochemistry: Conductance and its measurement. Activity and Activity coefficients. Measurement of Activity coefficient of strong electrolytes. Deby-Huckel Theory and its applications for strong electrolytes. Electrodes, Electrode Potential and its measurement. Corrosion and its prevention.
  • Nuclear Chemistry: Radioactivity, detection and its measurement, Kinetics of Radioactive decay, Nuclear Fission, Nuclear Fusion, Artificial Radioactivity, uses of Radioactive isotopes and Nuclear Reactors.

(B). Inorganic Chemistry

  • Modern Theory of Chemical Bonding: Modern Theories of Chemical bonding. Valance Bond theory, hybridization of orbital, molecular Orbital theory, comparison of valence Bond and Molecular orbital theories, shapes of inorganic molecules, application of VSEPR concept.
  • Chemistry d-Block Elements: General Characteristics of d-Block elements, Chemistry of First Transition Series, Transition metal complexes, structure of coordinate complex compounds, Postulates and applications of Werner‟s Chelates, Nomenclature and Isomerism in coordinate compounds.
  • Inorganic Chemical Industries: Sulphuric acid, Chemical Fertilizers, cements, Ceramics, Soda Ash and Caustic Soda.
  • Environmental Chemistry: Concept of Environmental chemistry, Environmental Pollution, green House Effect, Air Pollution, Water Pollution and Chemical Toxicology.



(A). Organic Chemistry

  • Structure and Reactivity: Inductive effect, delocalized chemical bond, resonance effect, tautomerism, hyper-conjugation, steric effect and hydrogen bonding.
  • UV and IR Spectroscopy: Principle of UV-Visible and IR-Spectroscopy, terms involved in spectroscopy. -max, bathochromic shift, hypsochromic shift, finger print region, overtones and applications in functional group identification of organic compounds.
  • Chemistry of Carbonyl Group: Preparation and properties of Aldehydes and ketones. Acid and base catalyzed Aldol condensation reactions and nucleophilic additions to carbonyl group.
  • Chemistry of Armatic Compounds: Mechanism and applications of Electrophilic aromatic substitution reactions, Arenium ion mechanism, orientation and reactivity. Aromaticity and condensed simple aromatics systems.
  • Sterochemistry: Steroisomerism, conformational analysis of cycloalkanes, chirality and optical activity, recemization, epimerization and geometrical isomerism.

(B). Selected Topics in Applied Chemistry

  • Bio-molecules: Introduction, classification, structure and metabolism of carbohydrates. Primary, Secondary & Tertiary structure of Proteins. Lipids and their classification.
  • Chromatography: Principle and types of chromatography. Thin layer and column Chromatography with their applications.
  • Material Chemistry: Introduction and applications of Polymers, Semi-conductors, composites and liquid crystals.
  • Chemicals in Service of Mankind: Detergents, Pesticides, Dyes, Cosmetics and Pigments.