FPSC General Recruitment (GR)

GR Introduction

FPSC has been mandated to conduct tests and examinations for recruitment of persons to All-Pakistan Services, the civil services of the Federation, and civil posts in connection with affairs of the Federation in basic scales 16 and above or equivalent.

Recruitment Policy:

Punjab (Including the Federal area of Islamabad)50%
The share of Sindh will be further sub-allocated in the following ratio:
Sind Urban areas of Karachi, Hyderabad and Sukkur (40% of 19%)7.6%
Rural areas of Sindh excluding Karachi, Hyderabad and Sukkur (60% of 19%)11.4%
Newly merged Districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (Ex-FATA)3%
Gilgit Baltistan1%
Azad Jammu and Kashmir2%


05% quota is reserved for Minorities (Non-Muslims) and is calculated from the share of Provinces/Regions except Merit quota in terms of Establishment Division’s O.M. No. 4/15/94-R-2, dated 26.5.2009. Unfilled vacancies of Minorities (Non-Muslims) quota are carried forward.

A 10% quota is reserved for Women and is calculated from the share of Provinces/ Regions except for the Merit quota in terms of Establishment Division. 4/15/2006-R-2, dated 22.05.2007.Unfilled vacancies for the women quota are carried forward.

Submission of Applications

All applications for general recruitment in BS-16 and above must be submitted online through FPSC website www.fpsc.gov.pk. However, those applicants who do not have access to internet facility, are allowed to submit their applications by the closing date addressed to Secretary FPSC on plain paper giving detailed particulars in the light of prescribed conditions for the post applied for, intimating difficulties in submission of online applications. Such applications will be accepted subject to approval of the Commission.

For online submission of application, comprehensive procedure is available on FPSC website (at link: APPLY ONLINE). In case of any difficulty in online accessibility, candidates may contact FPSC Help Line on Phone No. 051- 111-000-248 or by e-mail on fpsc@fpsc.gov.pk. The candidates are advised to apply online at the earliest without waiting for the closing date.

Procedure After Applying Online
Biodata Form
Educational Qualification & Experience
Relaxation in Upper Age Limit
Domicile / regional Reserved Quotas
Submission of Applications
Rejection of Application
Representation & Review Petition
Tests / Examinations & Centres

GR Syllabus

Syllabi for Consolidated Advertisement No.11/2024 & 12/2024