Download the latest FPSC, PPSC, NTS, PMS and CSS Percentage Questions and Answers MCQs
Percentages are a way of expressing a quantity as a fraction of 100. For example, 10% is equivalent to 10/100, which is also equal to 0.1. Percentages are often used to compare different quantities or to express changes in quantities over time.
Basic percentage MCQs are a type of question that is commonly asked in government exams in Pakistan. These questions typically test the candidate's knowledge of basic percentage concepts, such as calculating percentages, finding the percentage increase or decrease between two quantities, and converting percentages to decimals and vice versa.
The following are some of the basic percentage concepts that are typically tested in government exams:
- Calculating percentages: This involves converting a given quantity to a percentage. For example, if a quantity is 10 out of 100, then it is equal to 10%.
- Finding the percentage increase or decrease between two quantities: This involves calculating the difference between two quantities and expressing that difference as a percentage of the original quantity. For example, if a quantity increases from 20 to 30, then the percentage increase is 50%.
- Converting percentages to decimals and vice versa: This involves converting a percentage to a decimal and vice versa. For example, 10% is equal to 0.1, and 0.1 is equal to 10%.
Basic percentage MCQs can be challenging, but they are also an important part of preparation for government exams in Pakistan. By understanding the basic percentage concepts and practicing with sample questions, candidates can improve their chances of success on these exams.
Here are some tips for preparing for basic percentage MCQs:
- Learn the basic percentage concepts. This includes understanding what percentages are, how to calculate percentages, and how to convert percentages to decimals and vice versa.
- Practice with sample questions. There are many websites and books that offer sample questions on basic percentages. By practicing with these questions, you can improve your understanding of the concepts and get a feel for the types of questions that are typically asked on government exams.
- Take a practice test. Once you have learned the basic percentage concepts and practiced with sample questions, you can take a practice test to assess your knowledge and skills. This will help you identify any areas that you need to improve on before taking the actual exam.
By following these tips, you can increase your chances of success on basic percentage MCQs on government exams in Pakistan.